
Showing posts from March, 2017

Week 10: World War II (2)

This week we will be looking at the end of World War II, and its effects on the world as a whole.  You will have a test on material from Unit 5 on Friday. Week 10: World War II (2)     Quizlet Neville Chamberlain Franklin D. Roosevelt Winston Churchill Charles de Gaulle Final Solution Genocide D Day VE Day Nuremberg Trials Yalta Conference United Nations Potsdam Conference  Monday, March 27 5.3 War and the Holocaust Notes Vocabulary: Write Definitions Daily Question:  What measures did America take against the Axis powers before officially declaring war? Tuesday, March 28 The World Wars finish Episode One Viewing Guide 5.4 Forward to Victory Notes Vocabulary:  Write Sentences Daily Question:  What were the steps of the Final Solution? Wednesday, March 29 The World Wars Video Viewing Guide Vocabulary: Draw Pictures Daily Question:  Where did these men fight? Lt. Col. Doolittle, Rommel, Eisenhow...

Week 9: World War II (1)

This week we will wrap up our discussion of the Interwar Years and begin World War II.   Your assessment for Unit 4 will be on Tuesday .  To combat cheating on assessment questions, I have not shared any google slides this week.  This will take away the need for anyone to be on their Chromebooks beyond Vocabulary Notebooks. Week 9: World War II (1)   Quizlet Benito Mussolini * Adolf Hitler * Joseph Stalin * Hideki Tojo * Fascism Axis Powers Nazism Appeasement Blitzkrieg Battle of Britain Manhattan Project Holocaust Nonaggression Pact Kristallnacht Atlantic Charter Rationing *You do not have to create a vocabulary card for each of these important people during the war, BUT you do need to know who they are. Monday, March 20 4.5 The Second New Deal Vocabulary: Complete Definitions Daily Question:  What was FDR's purpose for creating the New Deal? Tuesday, March 21 Unit 4 Assessment Kahoot Vocabulary: Complete Sentences Daily Que...

Week 8: The Interwar Years

Week 8: The Interwar Years  Quizlet Communism Red Scare Sacco and Vanzetti Kellogg Briand Pact Teapot Dome Scandal Assembly Line Flappers Speakeasies Harlem Renaissance Talkes Speculation Black Tuesday Dust Bowl Hoovervilles Bonus Army New Deal Monday, March 13 4.1 Post War Issues and a Return to Normalcy Google Slides Notes Daily Question:  What was the purpose of WWI? Vocabulary:  Complete Definitions Tuesday, March 14 4.2 The Roaring Twenties Google Slides Notes Daily Question: How did American fear of the spread of Communism impact society? Vocabulary: Complete Sentences Wednesday, March 15 American Experience: The Dust Bowl :  While watching this, take notes on what the Dust Bowl was all about.  This will be turned in for a quiz grade.  (IF YOU ARE ABSENT TODAY, YOU DON'T HAVE TO COMPLETE THIS.) Daily Question:  How did the Harlem Renaissance raise awareness of issues affecting Africa...

Week Seven: The Great War (Part 2)

This week, we will wrap up our studies of World War I and America's involvement therein. You are out of school on Friday, so pace yourself accordingly with the vocabulary notebook and additional assignments. Week Seven: The Great War (Part 2) Quizlet Schlieffen Plan Zimmerman Note German U Boat Propaganda Espionage and Sedition Acts Great Migration Fourteen Points League of nations Reparation Treaty of Versailles Monday, March 6 Complete 3.4 World War One Complete World War One Google Slide (Slides 14-22) Sensory Figure of WWI Soldier Vocabulary:  Define words Daily Question:  List the four long term causes of World War I. Tuesday, March 7 3.5 American Power Tips the Scale Google Slide and Assessment Questions Notes Vocabulary:  Write Sentences Daily Question: Why did the US join the Allied forces in WWI? Wednesday, March 8 3.6 Fourteen Points and Treaty of Versailles Google Slide Fourteen Points Article Notes Voca...