Week 12: The Cold War Heats Up

This week, we will be further discussing the Cold War and life in America.  Please attempt to stay focused.  I know it is difficult in the anticipation of Spring Break, but let's make the days we are here matter!

Week 12: The Cold War Heats Up Quizlet
  1. Brinkmanship
  2. CIA
  3. Warsaw Pact
  4. Eisenhower Doctrine
  5. Baby Boom
  6. Beat Movement
  7. Rock 'n' Roll
  8. Termination Policy
  9. Limited Test Ban Treaty
  10. Flexible Response
Monday, April 10
6.4 The Cold War Heats Up
Vocabulary: Complete your definitions.
Daily Question:  What was Truman's domestic legacy?

Tuesday, April 11
6.5 50s Life and Culture
Vocabulary: Complete your sentences.
Daily Question:  How could U2 have gone differently?

Wednesday, April 12
6.6 Kennedy and the Cold War
Vocabulary: Draw your pictures
Daily Question:  Why do you think the idea of a "teenager" occurred during the 1950s?

Thursday, April 13
Vocabulary Due and Quiz
Daily Question:  Was America in danger during Kennedy's administration?
Unit 6 Assessment


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