Week 12: The Cold War Heats Up
This week, we will be further discussing the Cold War and life in America. Please attempt to stay focused. I know it is difficult in the anticipation of Spring Break, but let's make the days we are here matter!
Week 12: The Cold War Heats Up Quizlet
- Brinkmanship
- Warsaw Pact
- Eisenhower Doctrine
- Baby Boom
- Beat Movement
- Rock 'n' Roll
- Termination Policy
- Limited Test Ban Treaty
- Flexible Response
Monday, April 10
6.4 The Cold War Heats Up
Vocabulary: Complete your definitions.
Daily Question: What was Truman's domestic legacy?
Tuesday, April 11
6.5 50s Life and Culture
Vocabulary: Complete your sentences.
Daily Question: How could U2 have gone differently?
Wednesday, April 12
6.6 Kennedy and the Cold War
Vocabulary: Draw your pictures
Daily Question: Why do you think the idea of a "teenager" occurred during the 1950s?
Thursday, April 13
Vocabulary Due and Quiz
Daily Question: Was America in danger during Kennedy's administration?
Unit 6 Assessment
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